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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
When we think of relationships, we may tend to think about a relationship with a "special person". But we are actually in relationship with everything and everyone. We are in relationship with the planet, with plants, our health, our food, our home, our life, our emotions, our self, our fears, our thoughts, and of course other humans and pets. We are in relationship with everything and everyone, and how we "do" relationships is how we "do" life.
This week we look at various types of relationships and how to improve our connection with everyone and everything, including our own self.
Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell and Robert Jennings
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
Walking On Sacred Ground and Restoring Health
Author: Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.
The ancients knew about Earth’s powers long before science did, of course, naturally benefitting from its nourishment by their simple lifestyles alone. They lived as one with the Earth...
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Being in Right Relationship with Plants
Author: Jen Frey
When we are in right relationship with Plants and Earth, we naturally flow out of the consumer mind frame. We move into intimacy. We want to honor them and be of service to them.
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Beyond the Hype: Making Mindfulness Stick in Daily Life
Author: Robert Jennings,
Mindfulness is a concept that most of us may have heard of, but few have fully grasped.
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Six Strategies When You’re Dealing With Uncertainty
Author: Lisa Doggett, MD
Uncertainty is one of life's inevitabilities. And we all cope with it and accept it – more or less. But a chronic disease like MS can raise that level of uncertainty to a new level - to scary, unfamiliar territory.
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Getting Ready for Miracle Relationships
Author: John Campbell
The quest for true love often seems to lead to multiple choices and repeated experiences. This behavioural pattern is common at every level of our societies
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How to Manage Our Inner Saboteur
Author: Jacqueline Heller, MD
Deeply hidden fears, hurts, and longings may lead to symptoms and eventually maladaptive behaviors that can
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Clear Home, Clear Mind: Strategies to Stay Clutter-Free
Author: Jamal Abarashi and Taghreed Hikmet, Auckland University of Technology
Maintaining a tidy home is a never-ending challenge. And tidiness goes beyond aesthetics – it contributes to a person’s mental wellbeing.
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Is Your Open-Plan Office Making You Anxious?
Author: Oluremi (Remi) Ayoko, The University of Queensland
This desk is mine! How noisy offices can make us more territorial From colleagues chatting about their weekends or having intense phone conversations, to email alerts and loud tapping on keyboards, the evidence that open-plan offices take a toll on our wellbeing continues to…
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From Guilt to Enjoyment: How to Cultivate a Healthy Food Relationship
Author: Clare Collins and Tracy Burrows, University of Newcastle
Travelling on a train recently you couldn’t help but overhear two women deep in conversation about a mutual obsession with food, including emotional triggers that pushed them towards chocolate and pizza.
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Breaking Stereotypes: Homeless People & Financial Responsibility
Author: Jiaying Zhao, University of British Columbia et al
When people hear the term, they tend to associate it with mental illness or problematic substance use. Individuals experiencing homelessness are heavily stigmatized, dehumanized and perceived to be less competent and trustworthy.
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Behind the Hype: The Ongoing Reign of Taylor Swift
Author: Kate Pattison, RMIT University
How Did Taylor Swift Get So Popular? She Never Goes Out Of Style
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Battling Inbox Chaos: Understanding & Combating Spam!
Author: Kayleen Manwaring, UNSW Sydney
Spam might not have brought an end to the internet or email, as some dire predictions in the early 2000s claimed it could – but it’s still a massive pain.
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Medicine’s Blind Spot: The Silent Epidemic of Medical Gaslighting
Author: Caitjan Gainty, King's College London
Gaslight, a psychological thriller starring Ingrid Bergman, was a box-office hit when it was released in 1944, but its time in the limelight could have ended there.
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From Déjà Vu to Jamais Vu: How Your Mind Handles Repetition
Author: Akira O'Connor and Christopher Moulin
Repetition has a strange relationship with the mind. Take the experience of déjà vu, when we wrongly believe have experienced a novel situation in the past – leaving you with an spooky sense of pastness.
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You Might Be Flossing Your Teeth All Wrong
Author: Helene Ragovin-Tufts
Correctly flossing boosts chances for avoiding gum disease, dental researchers say.
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Conflict & Intelligence: The Unraveling Threads of Humanity
Author: Richard van Oort, University of Victoria
Each day brings a reminder of another threat to our peace and security. War, political instability and climate change send migrants and refugees across national borders. Cybercriminals hack networks of public and private institutions.
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The Link Between Rising Temperatures and Extreme Rainfall Events
Author: Mohammed Ombadi, University of Michigan
As temperatures rise, the warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor. Evaporation of water from land and oceans also increases. That water has to eventually come back to land and oceans.
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How Jim Croce’s Music Continues to Inspire Across Generations
Author: Ted Olson, East Tennessee State University
On Thursday, Sept. 20, 1973, singer-songwriter Jim Croce died when his chartered plane crashed shortly after takeoff in Natchitoches, Louisiana. He was 30 years old.
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From Beauty to Beast: The Dual Nature of Rhododendrons
Author: Rhododendrons look pretty but there is so much more to them. Richard Milne, Author provided Richard Milne, The University of Edinburgh
Neither of these is quite accurate. Rhododendrons have an ancient legacy older than the Himalayas and a history intertwined with poison, medicine and folklore.
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This Week's Astrological Overview
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: September 25 - October 1, 2023
Author: Pam Younghans
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
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Videos Added to YouTube This Week
Astrological Overview: September 25 - October 1, 2023
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration September 22-23-24, 2023
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration September 21, 2023
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration September 20, 2023
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration September 19, 2023
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration: September 18, 2023
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