Superagers’ Brain Secrets: How Some People Defy Cognitive Aging
Why Intense Infatuation Feels Like Love And What to Do About It
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
Why Intense Infatuation Feels Like Love And What to Do About It
Why the System Feels Rigged To Young People
The U.S. Government Is Being Gutted Before Our Eyes
A Slow-Motion Coup d'état
Why It's Time to Break Free from the Serenity Prayer
Living Life Fully: How To Make Time for Joy Now
Survivor’s Guilt: Living With the Loss of a Loved One
How Clinton and Obama Gave Trump His Opening
The latest on Clarence Thomas's financial ties to right-wing donors is that the Supreme Court Justice has refused to recuse himself from cases involving his financial backers.
As humans we sometimes have a tendency to take things to extremes.
Inflation figures can sometimes be distorted during times of rapidly changing monthly figures, as we are seeing now.
In today's climate change news, scientists have made a startling discovery - a dramatic and abnormal rise in sea levels
Abortion is a topic that has long been debated and discussed in various communities, particularly in the United States.
The greatest ailment in our modern world is separation...
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced her decision to resign in January 2023. According to various news articles, Ardern cited a lack of energy and motivation for her resignation.
Finland has consistently ranked as the happiest country in the world for the past six years, according to the World Happiness Report
Decisions often involve trade-offs between competing priorities. Weighing the pros and cons of each option can be challenging.
As we open our hands and our heart, we can connect with others (and with the whole world) in a more open and loving manner.
While driving around town the other day, I saw a car that caught my eye. It had a plethora of bumper stickers plastered all over the back, one of them stating that the driver was a Vietnam vet. As I got closer, I noticed that the man driving was an older gentleman, like myself.
Holding a country's leader accountable for crimes committed in office is crucial to uphold the rule of law, maintaining public trust, and serving as a deterrent for future officeholders.
While the style of assault weapons is not immaterial to their actual use, two other factors relate to using these weapons and others with similar capabilities
Ever wonder why your dog-loving friends can't stop talking about their four-legged, drool-producing fur balls?
In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, most Americans expressed concerns about democracy being in danger of collapse.
This week we focus on community, collaboration, cooperation, connection. One thing that is becoming clear is that we are all connected.
The Federal Reserve has come under closer scrutiny as of late in our battle with inflation. And politicians left and right love to pick on the Fed.
There's a reason why fairy tales and fantasies are appealing. They make life seem so easy! You wave a magic wand, and Voilà! It's taken care of, fixed, healed, completed. Except...
Perhaps our highest goal in life could be to let our spirit soar, to let it rise up free for all to see.
This week, we bring you articles focused on helping you see the potential around you (and inside of you)...
As humans we have many traits, opinions, and ways of being. Some of them we share with animals, and some are unique to us.
We all yearn for happiness, joy, health, love... all those wonderful blessings that are attainable on Planet Earth. Yet, so many of us are lacking one or many of those experiences.
This week we look at connecting with others in communities, whether in work settings, with our neighbors, or with the community of life within our own body. All these relationships are important and need our attention and care.