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Written and Narrated by Pam Younghans
Current and previous weeks astrological overviews
Astrological Overview: April 29- May 5, 2024
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly astrological journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
Aspects of Note this Week:
All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours; Add 7 hours for Universal Time (UT), but add 8 hours for BST.
Monday: Venus enters Taurus
Tuesday: Mars enters Aries, Venus semisquare Saturn, Venus square Pluto
Wednesday: No major aspects are exact today
Thursday: Pluto stations retrograde
Friday: Mars sextile Pluto, Sun semisquare Neptune
Saturday: No major aspects are exact today
Sunday: No major aspects are exact today
STATIONARY PLUTO: Passionate Pluto is at peak energy now, being virtually at a standstill as it prepares to go retrograde in Aquarius this Thursday, May 2. Though small in physical terms, the dwarf planet can wield a mighty sword at times, cutting through old paradigms and initiating a process of cleansing and transformation.
Throughout this week, while Pluto's influence is heightened, we are likely to experience certain feelings and urges more viscerally than usual. In particular, we could react strongly if we feel that someone or something is trying to control or manipulate us. Our emotional response can also be extreme if our Aquarian need to be true to self or our rights to freedom of expression are limited in any way.
Although all of us are working with and feeling Pluto's provocative, "thistle-like" influence now, this time is likely be especially impactful for those who have natal planets or points in early degrees of one of the fixed signs (0 to 4 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius). And, if your birthday is during one of these four-day periods – April 19-22, July 23-26, October 23-26, or January 20-23 – you are experiencing deep changes in your basic self-identity throughout this year, with profound insights or shifts occurring around now.
VENUS IN TAURUS: Venus and Mars are in the spotlight this week, as each planet changes signs and then quickly forms an aspect with stationary Pluto. Venus will bear the heavier weight of Pluto's impact as she enters Taurus on Monday and then is exactly square Pluto (and semisquare Saturn) on Tuesday.
The Goddess of Love and Beauty will transit the sign of The Bull from April 29 to May 23 this year, promoting loyalty in personal relationships, encouraging a more conservative approach to financial matters, and helping us appreciate the simpler things in life.
However, Venus in Taurus can also be protective or controlling, may feel threatened by spontaneity or a loved one's need for freedom, or could be overly attached to a person, a possession, or an appearance.
Venus barely has time to settle into Taurus before facing the square to Pluto, an aspect that may trigger the planet’s more stubborn, distrustful, or jealous qualities. Dramatic displays are possible as some struggle with uncertainty or fears of loss, or grasp too tightly to that which can never truly be possessed.
MARS IN ARIES: The God of Action and Desire enters its home domicile, the sign of Aries, on Tuesday. While in the sign of The Ram, from April 30 to June 9, Mars inspires us to take risks, to try something new, and to be direct and confident as we pursue our desires.
In the shadow of Mars in Aries, we find qualities such as impatience, arrogance, selfishness, and impulsiveness. Aries likes to take the initiative, but it is not as keen on doing the unexciting work of stabilizing and nurturing a project once it is started. But, with assist from the Mars-Pluto sextile on Friday this week, we can all tap into a greater determination and focus that will enable us to make significant strides forward, especially in an area of life that we feel is our higher calling.
THIS WEEK'S ASPECTS: Here are my brief interpretations of this week's most important planetary aspects:
Venus enters Taurus: While Venus travels through the second sign of the zodiac, we tend to appreciate more of the simple pleasures of life. We are drawn to beauty in nature and in the arts, and to people and circumstances that feel comfortable and familiar.
Mars enters Aries: Mars renews its batteries as it transits the first sign of the zodiac, energizing and inspiring us to be more courageous in pursuing our desires.
Venus semisquare Saturn, Venus square Pluto: Relationships and financial matters are in the spotlight today. We are challenged to rise above instinctive reactions, and to see a situation objectively.
No major aspects are exact today.
Pluto stations retrograde: Pluto will be retrograde from May 2 to October 11 this year. On September 1, the dwarf planet will regress into Capricorn for one last pass of the tenth sign. Once direct, it will then recross the threshold into Aquarius on November 19, where it will journey for the next 20 years.
Mars sextile Pluto: This aspect helps us eliminate what is no longer working in our lives. We may feel a sense of urgency, and have the courage and energy needed to make important changes.
Sun semisquare Neptune: There is a certain lack of clarity today or we might overidealize a situation, so be sure to be as realistic and objective as possible when making any decisions.
Saturday & Sunday
No major aspects are exact on these two days.
Overall, you are supported this year in doing the practical work needed for accomplishing your goals, especially in the areas of career or life purpose. However, there may be times when idealism clouds your ability to see what is realistic, versus what you wish could happen. If at times you lose your focus, take a break from the "real" world for a while. Go within and recenter yourself or take a walk in nature and give yourself permission to forget about your project for a day or longer. If you wait until you regain your sense of groundedness and clarity before taking action or making a decision, you are much more likely to successfully achieve your longer-term objectives. (Solar Return Sun sextile Saturn, semisquare Neptune)
TRANSLATION and AUDIO/VIDEO VERSION: This weekly Journal is recorded (in English) AND the text is transcribed into 30 languages! You'll see a row of flags under "Available Languages" in the upper right. And, there are options to listen to the audio (in English) or watch a video directly beneath the photo (see top of page).
The Journal entry is usually updated by Sunday evening, with the recordings appearing late Sunday or by Monday depending on your time zone. Please share this information with those who might benefit.
WEBINAR THIS WEEK! I'm excited about our "Dances with Fireflies" webinar this Wednesday, May 1! As I'm putting finishing touches on my slideshow presentation, it is clear to me how pivotal these next four months are – not only because of the opportunities for expansion we will want to take advantage of, but also because of the surprising events and mental distractions that will require us to be very conscious about our focus and our intentions.
If you haven't yet registered for the webinar, which will cover planetary events May through August, please click here: And if you're not able to attend live, no worries – Everyone who registers will receive a link to the replay and all the class materials.
INSTAGRAM POSTS: Please check out my daily astrological updates on Instagram:
For previous weeks of the Astrological Journal, click here.
About the Author
Pam Younghans is a professional astrologer, editor, and writer. She lives in a log home northeast of Seattle, Washington with her beloved animal companions. She has been interpreting charts professionally for over 25 years. If you are interested in an astrology reading, e-mail
For more information about NorthPoint Astrology offerings, please visit or visit her Facebook page.