Healing requires courage, trust, and the willingness to take risks. This powerful story follows Charmaine, a woman who transformed deep trauma into strength through vulnerability and the power of forgiveness. From overcoming childhood abuse to reclaiming self-acceptance, her journey is an inspiring testament to resilience. Learn how stepping outside your comfort zone can open the door to healing and self-discovery.
Start your journey toward self-love and unlock the peace and resilience that come with listening to your true self. Self-love practices are the key to connecting with your true self and building emotional strength. Explore self-caring, compassion, forgiveness, respect, and trust to cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself. By embracing self-acceptance and practicing surrender, you can nurture your ability to navigate life’s challenges with courage and grace.
What a second-century Roman citizen, Lucian, can teach us about diversity and acceptance. The Roman Empire, a hub of multilingualism and multiculturalism, shaped Lucian’s identity as a global citizen. His writings illuminate ancient lessons on diversity.
Struggling with body image can keep us stuck in a cycle of self-criticism. This article offers four powerful steps to shift your mindset and fully embrace self-love and body acceptance. Learn how to focus on different parts of your body, send love to your “not good enough” parts, take up space, and revel in being unapologetically yourself. Start healing your body image wound and appreciate the beauty of your body today.
Self-forgiveness is a vital process for personal healing and moral development. More than just self-comfort, it involves confronting guilt and shame, acknowledging wrongdoing, and making amends. By working through these emotions, individuals can grow morally and improve their relationships with others. This article explores the stages of self-forgiveness and its importance for emotional and ethical well-being, helping readers understand how to embark on this challenging but rewarding journey.
Discover the transformative power of forgiveness through the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. Learn how these simple words can heal and bring you peace.
My grandfather was stern and bitter. Earlier in his life, he had owned a business with his brother, and he felt that his brother had cheated him. He often obsessed about that supposed injustice, even to me as a little girl. He wanted me to know every single detail.
- By Chloe Panta
Even if someone did something unspeakable to you or to someone you know, if you hold on to your anger, you are only hurting yourself.
- By Kate King
If there’s one phrase in the English language that has both befuddled and enraged people for generations, it’s let it go. It infuriates us because despite our deep longing to do such a thing, letting go remains elusive and always seemingly out of reach.
Bokie was more like a child to me than a dog. He was a steady loving presence that I counted on. While I still couldn't fully trust Barry, I could completely trust Bokie. He was never far from my side.
Who doesn't wish they could rewind the tape of their lives and do a few things differently? “If I only knew then what I know now ...” We’ve all sung that song. So, what do we do with our troublesome memories?
“To love what you are, the thing that is yourself, is just as if you were embracing a glowing red-hot iron” said psychonalyst Carl Jung.
Where compassion is, fear cannot be. Just as gratitude is the opposite of resentment, bitterness, and fear, compassion and judgment are also opposites. Compassion expands our energy, whereas judgment contracts it.
Never in the history of humanity have we been exposed to such an infinite variety of opinions, beliefs, forms of behavior, customs and so on. Humanity has become a melting pot of world dimensions!
- By Jude Bijou
We all sometimes say and do things we regret. What is the upside of a genuine apology? What is the cost of not apologizing?
Ram Dass taught us many very important things. Perhaps the most important is to accept and love ourselves completely and to not hide the darker sides of our being.
Although you may know you’re a good person who has something to offer the world, when your victim pattern runs your life, you inevitably feel stifled and trapped by people you’ve encountered in the past or are dealing with now.
A lot has been written about forgiveness and how it blesses the person who forgives. I hope to add another aspect which is very important in the journey of full forgiveness.
- By Gabes Torres
"When was the last time you experienced compassion? Similar to shame, compassion is also a social experience."
“Can we heal the wounds of the heart, can everything be forgiven?” The question must actually be reformulated.
- By Jude Bijou
Whether it's your parent, coworker, child, lover, or friend, we all sometimes say and do things we regret. We fret, get defensive, make excuses, and rationalize that what we did wasn't so bad.
Many people feel guilty when watching horrific things happen to others on the news. It can also hit when we think about a time we broke someone’s heart, snapped at a child or deeply hurt a friend’s feelings. In fact, most of us feel guilt from time to time, and it can be a deeply unpleasant experience.