Doing a job you find meaningful is great – until it consumes your life...
Think you’ll never retire? Here are four things young people can do to prepare
What exactly makes a particular job an instance of “meaningful work”? Is it just any sort of work people happen to believe is meaningful? Or is it a job with certain objective features?
Humble leaders express their humility in three dimensions. They view themselves accurately and acknowledge their limitations.
While much ink has been poured over China’s economic growth in recent decades, the contributions of Chinese women often receive less attention. With the pressure of the “three-child policy”, being a mother isn’t a mere personal choice...
If you have money anxiety, knowing your financial attachment style can help...
It’s easy to blame money for all the world’s problems, at least greed for money. Pick any problem and we can usually “follow the money” to discover what’s causing it.
As private firms and governments struggle to fill jobs – and with the cost of college too high for many students – employers and elected officials are searching for alternative ways for people to get good jobs without having to earn a traditional college degree.
- By Vicky Oliver
This article is written with the purpose of asking your employer for feedback, however some of its tenets can also be applied to asking friends, loved ones, where you volunteer, committees you are on, etc. for feedback.
Working from home can make us healthier and happier. Employers benefit too. Here’s the evidence if you need any convincing
Women want to climb the corporate ladder — but not at any price
What the ancient Indian text Bhagavad Gita can teach about not putting too much of our identity and emotions into work
Our planet can be a heavenly place. If we treat it with respect, and if we come together in harmony, we could create a loving vibration that would sustain us into a future of love, light, happiness, and fulfillment.
What are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ debts, and which should I pay off first?
Not only do they require candidates to think on their feet, but also to create a positive impression of themselves as a potential co-worker.
What’s it worth to work from home? For some, it’s as much as one-third of their wage
Could you cope with a shock to your bank balance? 5 ways to check you are financially resilient
The urge to spend money is present all year round, but during the gift-giving season, the temptation to splurge on loved ones can be particularly strong.
- By Mark Silver
The journey you’re on with your business is a relationship: a relationship with your own heart, with your business, with the world.
- By Mark Silver
Your business is a live thing. It wants to develop and grow. It just needs support, care, and love. Your business has a heart. It has an existence that is separate from you. You are not your business, and your business is not you.
Accidental managers: why people who are great at their job can fail when they get promoted
If public health bodies and policymakers put greater focus on improving the work environment, it could achieve major gains in population health and reduce health inequities.